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一些超高摩天大楼的结构 立即下载

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中国已经是已建和在建500m以上超高摩天大楼最多的国家。500m以上的超高摩天大楼统常采用混凝土结构或混凝土—钢材混合结构。混凝土的强度等级一般在C70 以上,最高的已用C100。钢管混凝土、型钢混凝土和钢板剪力墙等组合构件大量运用。混凝土结构多采用核心筒加剪力墙的体系;而混合结构则采用核心筒加外围大截面柱、巨柱再加伸臂桁架加强层的结构体系,必要时还加上周边钢支撑。   王国塔立面为针形,630m高度上有室外观览平台   王国塔的桩基础   基础底板上直接连接上部楼层,最下部三层高15m,只在右侧

Euroscraper-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 3rd Place   2007 Skyscraper Competition      José Mu?oz-Villers   Mexico     总图  总图  总图  

Flyscraper-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2008年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2008 Skyscraper Competition      Paul Burgstaller, Ursula Faix, Michael Kritzinger   Switzerland      The ‘flyscraper’ is a revolutionary and visionary design proposal for the next   generation skyscraper,   consisting of flying living units,   attached with i

Milone-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2008年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2008 Skyscraper Competition      Maria Pasavento, Fabio Ferrian, Lara Rizzardini   Italy      MILone is the result of a research begun during the Integrated Design Workshop   of Prof. Montuori at IUAV (University Institute of Architecture in Venice). &nbs

Alchemorphosis-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2009年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2009 Skyscraper Competition      Hoi Wang Chan, Blake Perkins   United States      In 2007 over half of the world’s population    had moved to a city. This shift from rural areas to cities poses a multifaceted problem   for the urban context.  总图 &nb

超高摩天大楼的玻璃幕墙 立即下载

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高度500m以上的超高摩天大楼都采用玻璃幕墙,这是由玻璃的特殊性质所决定强、耐久四大特性,使玻璃成为不可代替的墙体材料。超高建筑常采用超白玻璃安全性。文中介绍了幕墙已建成和在建的几座500m以上的建筑的玻璃幕墙。    钢化超白玻璃在高层建筑中的应用   幕墙水平剖面,玻璃板之间有陶板竖线条     一些国家和地区的人口和超高层建筑的分布 

摩天大楼对城市环境的影响及对策 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑设计文章 建筑一般性问题

内容简介 在肯定摩天大楼为人类创造文明、不断丰富着城市天际线的同时,从7个方面阐述了它可能成为城市建设上的“败笔”,特别是在城市环境建设中留下诸多不可持续发展的因素,提出今后摩天大楼发展的改进措施。  

Waterscraper-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Mathias Koester   Germany      Along with space tourism and adventurous tourist destinations, the Waterscraper offers an opportunity to experience the world’s most voluminous element – water and its amazing habitat.  

Skyscape-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2009年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 SkyscapeSpecial Metion   2009 Skyscraper Competition      Wei Wei, Luping Yuan   United States   Skyscape is a possible solution to the most polluted cities around the world. It is a system of thousands of air cleaning cells that float above the urban areas as an orchestrated p

Chimera Skyscraper-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Chimera Skyscraper-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Paula Tomisaki   United States         The complexities and the dynamism of contemporary life cannot be cast into the simple platonic forms provided by the classical canon, nor does the modern style afford enough means of artic

Compressed Complexity-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Compressed Complexity-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Eldine Heep, Gerhild Orthacker, Judith Schafelner, Elle Przybyla   Austria     总图  总图  总图  

Urban Image-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Urban Image-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Jakub Klaska   Czech Republic      This project focuses on the fact that a skyscraper is capable of becoming a landmark within the context of almost every European city.   总图  总图  总图  

London Overground-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-London Overground-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Drew Mills, Sebastian Messer, Paul Warrior   United States         Central London is amongst the most expensive locations for land and real estate in the world despite having a 19th Century transportation system at full capacit

Para-City-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 1st Place   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Somnath Ray   India      The skyscraper as a ‘modernist’ invention was a logical conclusion to the desires of a paleo-capitalist society, as an urban landmass approached its critical point of wealth and density of inhabitants.  

Phare Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Phare Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Phare TowerSpecial Mention   2007 Skyscraper Competition      Manuelle Gautrand   France      Phare Tower is a 300 meter-high new-generation tower at La Défense, on the western rim of Paris, France. The program consists of 140 000 m2 of office space with two restaurants and a r

Ritual Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Ritual Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2007年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2007 Skysrcaper Competition      Raymond Bourraine   United States         The Ritual Towers are multi-purpose structures, challenging wood architecture to produce an iconic and green project. Designed to aid small towns in poverty, the towers are located in t

Algorithmic Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2009年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Algorithmic Tower-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2009年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2009 Skyscraper Competition      Junkai Jian, Jinqi Huang   China      The cities of the twenty-first century embody extreme qualities of communication and complexity of interaction.   总图  总图  总图  

Neo-Arc-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2009年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 1st Place   2009 Skyscraper Competition      Kyu Ho Chun, Kenta Fukunishi, JaeYoung Lee   United States         This project examines a possible solution to the multiple environmental problems we might have in the year 2050. If we continue with the same year to year increment i

Mist in the Shell-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2008年 立即下载

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关键词: 建筑方案文本 建筑概念设计

摩天大楼建筑成本资料下载-Mist in the Shell-eVolo摩天大楼建筑竞赛2008年
图纸深度:方案效果图:有内容简介 Special Mention   2008 Skyscraper Competition      Hajung Lee   United States      Throughout history, mankind has been competing to build higher towers, not only to   meet spacial demands, but also to celebrate   and display their technological ability.   总图  总图

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