一张高端大气又清晰易懂的总图能让老师眼前一亮带领整个项目走上伟光正的道路,然而它也是劳心劳力拖慢进度的罪魁祸首。今天我们就来学一学如何花最少的时间出最唬人的图。毕竟,场地基础决定上层建筑。 Quick Site Plans 高端不费时的总平面 by Alex Hogrefe 翻译/徐鲸鱼 排版编辑/徐鲸鱼 With this tutorial, I wanted to show the workflow that I use to develop a clean looking architectu
一张高大上的总平面图总会给设计带来意想不到的结果,我们何不花点时间来学习一下呢? With this tutorial,I wanted to show the workflow that I use to develop a clean looking architectural site plan. This tutorial,like many of my tutorials,doesn’t use a rendering engine,only Sketchup image exports and Photoshop. Although I don’t use a rende